Monday, August 20, 2007

Class 1 - Agenda

Class Date: 8/21/2007

  1. Introductions
  2. Discuss course syllabus and expectations
  3. Computer Jeopardy
  4. Students log in to AB Tech student email accounts
  5. Demonstration on Google services
    • Docs and spreadsheets
    • Calender
    • Collaboration
    • more...
  6. Student internet research operating systems
  7. Students research Google and it's operating system. What Google OS???

Assignment#1: Create a Google Doc and write a summary of what an Operating System is and what it's main functions are. Also, list 5 different operating systems. Also, discuss how Google is being considered an operating system for the internet by some.

Collaborate the document with me. I will grade it and you will be able to see my comments.

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